for small and startup businesses

pumpspotting is the simple and affordable workplace lactation program for small and startup businesses.


Nearly Half of breastfeeding workers are considering a job change. would your employees say yours is a business committed to women and families? we’ve made it easy for small and startup businesses to provide their working families with a strong workplace lactation program.


pumpspotting is perfect for small business and startups

Our lactation program is turnkey and affordable, making it the easy choice for employers of every size.

Get started for just $499 today!

be seen as an employer that supports women and families at work

Whether you have one employee or hundreds, pumpspotting makes it easy and affordable to provide workplace breastfeeding support to your working parents.



Dentist offices, salons, non-profits, as well as mom and pop storefronts


Bootstrapped or funded


Just starting to consider your workplace lactation program and need a quick-hit, easy win? This is the place to start.

Want to consider a branded and exclusive lactation program? Talk to us about pumpspotting Premium


what our customers are saying:


“With 24 employees, WLCM needed a lactation program built for small companies. We want our team to know that they and their families matter. pumpspotting is a no brainer. It was easy to implement, turnkey and affordable.”

Lindsey Witmer Collins, CEO & Co-Founder

WLCM App Studio


Every complete lactation program includes:

  • Spaces for parents to pump or nurse

  • Policy to support compliance

  • Supported outcomes that include unlimited access to IBCLC-certified lactation consultants

  • A sense of belonging for baby-feeding parents, to combat isolation

  • Workplace lactation program experts, for implementation and ongoing support

Beautiful app experience

Your working parents will have unlimited access to a thriving community of peers, expert guidance, wayfinding for safe places to pump and nurse, and so much more.

pumpspotting supports remote, traveling and on-site workforces.




Healthy moms and babies equal a healthier bottom line, not to mention lower health care costs, higher retention rates, and all around good vibes.

Working parents navigating the daunting task of feeding a little one (every two hours, every day!) face a multitude of logistical, emotional and physical challenges that can impact their ability to succeed not just at feeding, but also at work.

Almost half of new moms must make a choice between breastfeeding and their career.

Yet when you remove barriers, reduce isolation, and foster a workplace climate that encourages breastfeeding, you increase the chances your working parents will stay productive and on the job. (Also that they will tell their friends how awesome you are.)


you’re one click away from implementing your workplace lactation program today.

want to learn more?

Lactation programs for small businesses