the power of world breastfeeding week
we know the power of the boob.
we know the power in a baby latched to that boob.
we know the power of the let down, the milk flow, and the little suck.
we know the power of the night feed. and the first feed. even the last feed.
we know the power of doing what’s right for your family, no matter how it looks or how it was supposed to be.
we know the power of the breastfeed.
we also know the power of the pump. (literally, and sometimes logistically.)
but most of all, we know the power of support.
we know the power that comes from nursing mamas, new and old, and how that circle of power can be our life saver in making it one more ounce, one more day, one more month.
we know the power of nursing parents because we are ones.
we've been one.
we will be one someday soon.
as we imagine the millions of women worldwide pulling out a boob or bottle or pump this week during World Breastfeeding Week - and all of August for Breastfeeding Awareness Month - we breathe in that power. we celebrate it. we honor it. and we fuel it.
happy world week breastfeeding, mamas.
come join our community and keep the celebration going over on our app.